2023/24 Tax year end – things to consider

Whether managing your corporate or personal tax affairs, March is a really good time to spend a little while preparing for the impending end of the tax year. As ever, the budget statement on 6th March means a number of changes will take effect from April 6th, requiring due consideration in advance. There are also those perennial matters for which prior planning prevents post-Christmas palpitations – Yes, now is a good time to be thinking self-assessment.

Is it a car? Is it a van? No, it’s a double cab pick-up….

Following, significant adverse feedback from motor manufacturers, businesses and drivers alike, the government has completed a U-turn on legislation that was set to change the tax classification on double cab pick-ups, treating them as cars rather than goods vehicles. Had they progressed with their plans, the tax on benefits-in-kind for employees, when provided with a double cab pick-up by their employers, would have increased, substantially.

Will my eBay sales be classed as income for tax purposes?

New legislation that came into force from 1st January 2024, has left many individuals wondering whether they will end up paying tax on incomes generated through a range of online portals such as eBay and AirBnB. News of the reporting changes for digital portals spread like wildfire across social media with some suggesting this was a back door in for HMRC to begin charging tax on sales of unwanted goods and second-hand clothes. But clarity has now been provided to help online sellers and those renting properties via portals such as AirBnB understand what the new legislation is and when it might see them paying additional tax.

Making Tax Digital

When is the VAT Rate not the VAT Rate?

It’s an interesting question isn’t it. In the UK we’re used to things being relatively cut and dried when it comes to VAT. There is the prevailing rate (currently 20%), zero rated VAT, (0%), VAT exempt (equally 0% but needs to be identified differently to Zero rated) and then the odd few idiosyncrasies such as energy at 5%. But by and large, the overwhelming majority of transactions will be either standard rate, 20%, or zero rated, 0%. That is unless you deal with someone like Amazon, who, it would appear, have been able to agree some of their own rates with HMRC.