1967 February Snapshot

February 1967 – This year we’re celebrating our 50th birthday – yes, the big 5-0! So, we’re getting sentimental and having a look back at what was happening the year we began. Over the coming months we’ll be sending you a quick snapshot of our favourite news stories from 1967 – from the world changing to the perhaps not so much…

February 1967

Local news hit the headlines with the grand opening of the Chichester Library (ok, so it was at the end of January but this was big news and we don’t want to miss it out!). This now Grade II listed building is still a central part of the local landscape and, despite a few extensions, layout alterations and upgrades, the illustrious circular design has always remained the same.

This was also the first time we ever saw detailed pictures of the far side of the moon, not visible from earth. This would be one of the first big steps towards creating a truly accurate map of the moon we know so much about today. Thanks Lunar Orbiter 3!

Onto music news, this was the month we welcomed a baby Kurt Cobain into the world, while at the same time, Rolling Stones legend Keith Richards had his home, ‘Redlands’ raided in Chichester! Both Richards and Mick Jagger later faced prison sentences for drug possession – rock ‘n’ roll man!