Auto Enrolment obligation

Auto Enrolment – obligation again!

Auto enrolment obligation letter - The Pensions RegulatorWe are aware that The Pensions Regulator has recently started contacting smaller companies notifying them of their staging date and asking them to nominate a contact for future communications regarding Auto Enrolment.

A sample letter is shown here >>

Auto Enrolment obligation is a legal policy and failure to respond or to comply will result in fines. As ever though, don’t panic. If you have received a letter already or have concerns about auto enrolment we can help. You can nominate us as your contact and we can lead you through the process.

So whether you have received your letter yet or not, keep us in mind and please feel free to pick up the phone if you would like to discuss your options.
As noted in a previous bulletin, we are planning an auto enrolment seminar for later in the year and where we know of staging dates and details about your auto enrolment obligation we will keep a watching brief on your behalf

Have you heard about the changes to RTI penalties that come into force from March 2015? Click here to find out what they are.